
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A week or so ago I went to see The Banff Mountain Festival film; it was great. I recomment it especially if you like the outdoors, then this for you. It is no your class Hollywood movie, instead it's a real deal. My favorite part of the film was the crossing the ice and climbing-hats off to the three guys who scaled the captain.
This past Saturday I was running with a group of friends in an event called Fatass, organized by a local race director, John Storkamp. We started off with trail running in Afton State Park followed by food/drinks and raffles, usually I never win anything but this was my day and I got a certificate from TC Running Company for a pair of Montrail sneakers. Also I got a bag of 10 gels, a bottle of electrolyte, and a big bottle of Heed, all thanks to Hammer Nutrition. And I left the event with a T-shirt and leftovers of banana cake from my friend Nancy. It was a great time with friends, great thanks to everyone who made this event a success. And finally, I bought a smart phone. Before I had no reception in places where I'd race like Colorado, Arkansas,or even areas of Wisconsin and Minnesota, but now I will be able to send post and photos from my phone.

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